Forecast Reference

Icon Meanings

Icon(s) Conditions
☀️ clear skies
🌥️ few clouds, scattetred clouds
☁️ broken clouds, overcast clouds
⛈️ thunderstorm with rain
🌩️ thunderstorm
🌩️+🌦️ thunderstorm with drizzle
🌦️ drizzle
🚿+🌧️ shower rain and drizzle, shower drizzle
🌧️ rain
🌧➜❄️ freezing rain
🚿 shower rain
💨 squalls
🌪️ tornado
🌨️ snow
☄️ sleet
🚿+☄️ shower sleet
🌧️+🌨️ rain and snow
🚿+🌨️ shower snow
🌫️ mist, fog
🔥➜🌫️ smoke
🌫️Haze haze
🌪️Sand sand whirls, dust whirls
🌫️Sand sand
🌫️Dust dust
🌋➜🌨️ volcanic ash